Understanding Stucco Application Products
Applying stucco is usually a multi-step process, and depending on the desired outcome may involve several products. If you're new to understanding how to use a stucco plaster mix or some of the other stucco products, it really helps to have a basic appreciation for the process, if only to sort out the options that will be presented to you for your job. Read this blog to find out more about using stucco. What's in a Name There are several different products and functions to understand: Scratch and brown coat(s) - This refers to the different stucco coats, as the majority of stucco applications involve more than one coat. The scratch coat is the first coat, and is often finished with a rough, or scratched, finish to provide good adherence for the next coat. The brown coat is the second coat, and is finished more smoothly than the scratch coat. The brown coat is meant to be covered by the finish coat. The scratch coat will often be applied over lath, which usually consist...